레이블이 How to Pay Off Debt인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 How to Pay Off Debt인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'how to pay your debts'|How to pay off your debts

About 'how to pay your debts'|How to pay off your debts

There               are               two               ways               to               pay               off               your               debt               faster               than               you               ever               imagined:               One               is               the               consolidate               all               your               debt               into               a               new               loan               that               has               a               lower               interest               rate               than               you               are               paying               now,               and               the               other               way               is               to               cut               the               fat               out               of               your               personal               budget               and               apply               all               extra               cash               (all               the               cash               you               have               left               after               you               pay               for               necessities)               to               paying               down               the               principle               of               your               loans.

The               method               that               is               right               for               you               depends               on               a               few               factors.

And               know               this,               there               are               no               easy               answers               or               quick,               magical               fixes               on               this               topic               or               most               others               in               life.

How               do               I               know               which               strategy               is               right               for               me?
               To               decide               your               next               move,               you               need               to               ask               yourself               a               few               questions.

Do               I               have               enough               to               pay               all               my               bills               each               month?

Am               I               paying               a               lot               of               late               fees               and               other               penalties?

Did               I               get               the               lowest               available               deal               on               my               interest               rate               when               I               got               the               loans?

How               much               money               do               I               have               left               over               after               I               pay               all               my               bills               and               necessities?

How               much               money               do               I               waste               on               things               I               don't               really               need?
               You               need               debt               consolidation               or               bankruptcy               if               you               answered               the               questions;               no,               yes,               no,               none,               none.

(Answers               are               in               order               of               the               questions)
               You               need               to               start               paying               down               principle               if               you               answered;               yes,               no,               yes,               some,               some.
               Let's               discuss               how               to               get               started.

For               those               that               need               to               consolidate               their               debt,               there               are               two               ways               to               go               about               it.

You               can               go               to               a               debt               consolidation               specialist               and               they               will               either               buy               all               of               your               loans               and               then               loan               you               the               money               at               a               reduced               rate               over               the               same               time               period               or               they               will               buy               your               loans               and               loan               you               the               money               at               the               same               rate               but               give               you               more               time               to               pay.

Only               talk               to               consolidators               who               are               trying               to               reduce               your               interests               rates               otherwise               you               will               be               in               debt               even               longer               than               you               ever               imagined!

If               your               credit               is               still               ok,               you               can               consolidate               your               own               debt.

In               tough               economic               times,               rates               are               low               and               creditors               are               willing               to               make               deals.

Start               by               seeing               if               you               can               refinance               your               mortgage.

Then               if               you               have               equity               in               your               home,               see               if               you               can               get               a               loan               to               pay               off               all               other               debts               because               I               bet               that               the               rate               you               pay               for               that               loan               will               be               a               whole               lot               less               than               you               are               paying               for               that               debt               now.

(Especially               credit               card               debt)               Roll               over               credit               card               debt               to               a               lower               interest               card               if               you               can't               get               another               type               of               loan               to               pay               them               off.

If               you               have               $10,000               in               debt,               reducing               your               interest               rate               from               10%               to               9%               will               save               you               $100.

Use               this               "found"               money               to               pay               down               principle.

Now               that               you               have               reduced               your               interest               rates               you               should               have               a               little               extra               cash               to               start               paying               down               your               principle.

I               will               show               you               how               to               and               which               principle               to               start               paying               down               a               little               later.
               For               those               who               don't               need               to               consolidate,               you               still               need               to               make               sure               that               you               are               getting               the               best               deal               on               all               of               your               interest               charges               first.

Refinance               your               mortgage               and               either               roll               your               credit               card               debt               into               your               mortgage               or               find               a               card               with               a               better               rate.

Most               new               credit               card               offers               let               you               transfer               balances               at               a               better               rate               than               you               have               now.

Then               you               need               to               really               examine               where               you               can               save               money               that               you               waste               and               how               much               you               have               each               month               to               start               paying               down               your               principle.

Let's               do               some               calculations               so               you               can               see               how               this               really               works               and               how               easy               it               really               is               to               do.
               Here               is               how               to               calculate               your               effective               (total)               interest               rate               so               you               can               make               sure               you               get               a               good               deal               on               consolidation.

Add               up               total               interest               charges               and               divide               by               total               principle.
               Mortgage=               $126,000               x               5%               =               $6,300
               Credit               cards=               $10,000               x               16%=               $1600
               Other               loans               =               $               3,000               x               8%               =               $240
               Principle=               $139,000               Interest               =               $8,140
               $8,140/$139,000               =               .05856               or               5.86%               is               your               effective               rate.
               So,               if               you               can               get               a               loan               for               the               total               amount               for               less               than               5.86%,               you               will               save.

Say               you               get               a               loan               for               5%               on               this               debt;               you               will               save               $1,190               per               year.

(139,000               x               5.86%=8140)(139,000               x               5%               =               6950)(8140-6950=1190)               And,               you               can               apply               the               savings               to               paying               down               the               principle.

Doing               this               will               pay               off               loan               faster               and               save               you               even               more               on               interest               charges               and               you               have               not               had               to               change               your               lifestyle               one               little               bit.
               For               every               dollar               you               reduce               your               principle               by,               you               will               get               $1.50               in               savings.

Here               is               how               it               works.

Let's               say               you               apply               an               extra               $100               a               month               to               your               mortgage               that               has               an               interest               rate               of               5%.

That's               $1,200               a               year.

If               you               had               not               paid               that               amount               you               would               owe               $60               on               that               money               this               year               and               every               year               of               the               loan.

So,               if               you               have               a               30yr.

loan,               that's               $60               x               30               =               $1,800.

So               you               paid               $1,200               and               got               $1,800               in               savings.

If               you               were               to               pay               that               extra               $100               a               month               over               the               life               of               the               loan               you               will               take               6-10yrs               off               of               your               mortgage               depending               on               rate               and               size               of               loan.

If               you               take               the               $60               saved               next               year               and               apply               that               toward               the               principle,               you               will               cut               your               time               to               pay               even               more.

And               you               still               have               not               sacrificed               anything.

You               can               not               tell               me               that               everyone               does               not               waste               at               least               a               $100               a               month.

So               what               is               your               excuse               now               for               not               getting               started?
               Look               at               the               break               down               of               your               next               bill               from               your               mortgage               company.

You               will               see               that               most               of               your               payment               goes               into               escrow               for               taxes               and               insurance,               the               next               largest               percentage               goes               to               interest,               and               the               smallest               amount               goes               to               principle.

Most               of               the               year,               you               only               pay               $200               or               less               toward               principle.

It               is               the               same               for               all               your               other               debts               that               charge               interest,               only               worse,               because               they               are               usually               charged               a               much               higher               rate               than               your               mortgage.

Always               pay               down               principle               on               your               highest               interest               rate               debt               first,               and               work               your               way               backwards               to               your               lower               interest               rate               loans.
               Now               that               you               know               what               to               do               with               your               extra               money,               let               us               see               if               we               can               not               find               a               little               bit               more               for               you               to               save               and               use               to               pay               down               debt.

Here               are               a               few               of               the               ways               not               waste               money.
               Make               a               budget               and               stick               to               it!

You               need               to               run               your               household               like               a               business.

You               need               to               look               at               your               monthly               spending               and               decide               which               expenses               are               fixed               cost               and               which               our               variable.
               Fixed               cost               our               those               monthly               bills               that:               keeps               a               roof               over               your               head,               keeps               food               in               your               belly,               provides               enough               water               to               cook,               clean               and               drink,               provides               enough               electricity               to               complete               necessary               tasks               and               any               expenses               associated               with               work.

All               other               expenses               are               variable               and               our               not               necessities,               except               taxes.

You               can               cut               your               fixed               cost               by               getting               the               best               deal               on               rent               or               mortgage,               not               eating               out,               not               wasting               water               on               your               lawn               or               pool,               getting               more               energy               efficient,               using               public               transportation,               not               buying               designer               clothes               to               go               to               work               and               shopping               in               bulk               or               at               discount               stores.

Also,               talk               to               a               tax               professional               about               deductions               you               have               failed               to               take               advantage               of               this               year               and               for               the               previous               7               years.(You               are               allowed               to               amend               you               taxes               for               the               prior               7               years)               And,               avoid               late               fees               at               all               cost.

Fees               are               an               interest               payment               on               a               debt               that               you               have               complete               control               over               whether               you               pay               it               or               not.

I               choose               not.

Ask               her               about               things               you               can               do               in               the               future               to               save               on               taxes.

Most               people               are               not               willing               to               change               their               life               that               much               and               won't               make               these               cuts,               but               if               you               do;               you               can               see               big               savings               over               time.

If               you               are               not               willing               to               make               those               cuts,               then               you               have               to               cut               out               the               fat               in               your               variable               spending.

Do               you               really               need               450               channels               or               will               200               do?

Do               you               need               the               fastest               internet               connection?

Do               you               have               to               have               the               latest               electronics               or               car?

Can               I               wait               to               talk               to               someone               or               must               I               run               up               my               cell               bill?

Your               variable               spending               can               be               a               gold               mine               of               saving               if               you               are               willing               to               cut               out               things               you               do               not               really               need,               even               just               for               a               little               while.
               The               best               thing               you               can               do               for               your               future               is               to               cut               out               holiday               and               vacation               spending               for               a               year               or               two.

I               know               how               unpopular               that               idea               is               to               most               people,               but               you               are               the               one               reading               this               article               and               I               am               the               debt               free               person               writing               it.

(Oh               no               he               didn't!)               Most               Americans               start               getting               out               of               Christmas               debt               right               about               the               time               tax               season               rolls               around.

You               probably               spend               more               than               half               the               year               paying               for               taxes               and               Christmas.

As               much               as               you               and               I               want               to,               you               can't               control               taxes               but               you               can               control               you.

Start               doing               it!

Just               for               one               year.

No               parties               or               BBQ's;               let               your               friends               buy               their               own               dinner               and               drinks.

Only               give               gifts               to               you               mother,               wife,               and               children               this               Christmas.

Go               to               Thanksgiving               dinner               instead               of               spending               hundreds               of               dollars               on               one               meal.

Make               gifts               for               people               instead               of               buying               them               or               send               everyone               a               card               only.

You               can               do               this,               and               if               anyone               does               not               understand,               they               are               not               your               real               friends               anyway.

How               many               times               has               your               mother               said               that?

You               must               put               the               words,               "please               apply               toward               principle"               on               your               check               or               on               a               note               when               you               send               in               extra               money               for               a               bill.

Otherwise               they               will               apply               it               toward               the               interest.

That               is               ok,               but               paying               down               the               principle               accelerates               and               maximizes               your               rate               of               pay               down.
               If               you               leave               a               message               and               include               your               e-mail,               I               will               send               you               a               spreadsheet               that               will               show               you               the               savings               you               can               realize               and               how               fast               you               can               pay               off               your               debt               if               you               follow               this               plan.

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how to pay your debts

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how to pay your debts

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