레이블이 Debt Settlement Tips인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Debt Settlement Tips인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 1일 일요일

About 'free debt consultation'|...elaborate. One of the banes of modern financial system is the proliferation of debt. Debt instruments dominate the scene. From money creation and supply of credit to...

About 'free debt consultation'|...elaborate. One of the banes of modern financial system is the proliferation of debt. Debt instruments dominate the scene. From money creation and supply of credit to...

Almost               every               American               family               at               some               point,               experiences               hardships               that               make               it               impossible               to               keep               up               with               mounting               debt.

Most               people               try               to               do               the               right               thing               to               avoid               bankruptcy:               work               harder               and               longer,               contact               creditors               to               get               relief,               borrow               money               from               family               and               friends,               spend               only               on               necessities,               cut               back               on               holidays,               sell               off               assets,               get               a               home               equity               loan,               quit               paying               into               401K               or               other               retirement               accounts,               cut               life               insurance               and               medical               insurance               policies,               and               pray.

If               this               is               you,               READ               THIS               ENTIRE               ARTICLE!

Credit               card               companies               do               not               make               it               easier               to               go               through               financial               hardships;               they               only               make               it               worse               by               raising               your               interest               rate               if               you               are               late               on               payments               and               tacking               on               over               limit               fees               and               late               fees.

Some               people               erroneously               think               that               the               hardship               will               be               temporary               and               get               another               credit               card               to               pay               debts.

Everyone               gets               credit               card               junk               mail               offering               to               give               you               8%               interest               if               you               transfer               three               credit               card               balances               to               their               company.

You               think,               whew,               that               will               help.

You               immediately               do               it.

If               this               is               you,               READ               ON!
               But               then,               you               don't               cancel               those               three               cards               that               now               have               zero               balances               because               you               need               them               to               pay               off               the               other               bills               that               caused               the               hardship               to               begin               with.

If               you               miss               one               or               two               mortgage               payments,               it               is               virtually               impossible               to               get               caught               up               after               they               add               the               penalties               and               interest               to               your               next               payment.

So,               you               use               those               three               credit               cards               to               make               your               mortgage               payment,               get               caught               up               on               the               electric               bill,               or               pay               back               that               friend.

You               decide               not               to               file               income               tax               returns               because               you               owe               money.

All               the               while,               you               still               believe               you               can               get               caught               up.

If               this               is               you,               FINISH               READING               THIS               ARTICLE.
               Before               you               know               it,               your               life               has               spiraled               out               of               control.

By               this               time,               the               housing               market               dropped               and               because               you               have               a               home               equity               loan               now,               you               owe               more               than               your               house               is               worth.

You               cancel               your               phone               to               avoid               harassing               calls,               you               don't               answer               your               door               for               fear               of               a               summons               by               a               creditor,               you               lie               about               your               finances,               you               miss               work               because               of               depression               and               your               health               suffers               from               the               stress.

You               cannot               go               to               the               doctor               because               you               have               no               money               and               no               medical               insurance.

Your               pride               still               stands               in               the               way               of               filing               bankruptcy.

What               will               your               employer,               your               family,               and               your               friends               think               of               you?

If               this               is               you,               YOU               MUST               READ               THE               REST               OF               THIS               ARTICLE.
               Talk               to               a               Bankruptcy               Lawyer               Before               It               Gets               This               Far               -               IT'S               FREE               AND               CONFIDENTIAL
               Bankruptcy               laws               have               changed               dramatically               since               the               old               days               when               filing               bankruptcy               was               humiliating,               considered               to               be               the               worst               sign               of               failure,               and               kept               you               from               getting               credit               for               ten               years.

Bankruptcy               is               no               longer               something               to               be               ashamed               of,               but               rather,               a               possible               way               to               save               your               home,               your               car,               your               business,               and               your               family               from               losing               everything.

A               bankruptcy               is               intended               to               help               honest               people               through               financial               hardships               when               no               creditors               will               help.

You               might               be               surprised               at               the               relief               you               have               after               speaking               with               a               bankruptcy               lawyer               in               your               state.
               It               is               not               unusual               for               creditors               to               begin               contacting               you               within               six               months               after               filing               bankruptcy.

Bankruptcies               are               being               filed               in               record               numbers               and               if               creditors               used               that               against               everyone               who               needs               credit,               they               would               be               out               of               business.

The               creditors               do,               however,               want               you               to               pay               high               interest               rates               for               being               a               high               credit               risk,               so               be               careful               about               getting               in               too               deep               while               trying               to               reestablish               your               credit               rating.
               Remember               These               Things               Before               You               Have               Lost               Everything
               Don't               believe               everything               you               read               on               the               Internet               about               bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy               laws               are               different               in               each               state.

The               earlier               you               make               a               decision               to               seek               legal               answers               or               to               file               bankruptcy,               the               easier               it               will               be               for               the               courts               to               help               you               or               for               you               to               pay               back               the               debt.

You               might               be               able               to               file               a               Chapter               7               which               will               discharge               your               unsecured               debts.

If               you               know               you               are               in               trouble,               IT               IS               IMPORTANT               TO               GO               FOR               A               FREE               ONE-HOUR               CONSULTATION               WITH               A               BANKRUPTCY               LAWYER               IN               YOUR               STATE               BEFORE               YOU               BORROW               MORE               MONEY               AND               BEFORE               YOU               MISS               YOUR               FIRST               MORTGAGE               OR               CAR               PAYMENT.

THEY               ARE               ON               YOUR               SIDE.
               Forget               what               all               the               credit               counseling               agencies               and               talk               radio               people               tell               you               to               do               to               get               out               of               debt               and               avoid               bankruptcy.

A               good               bankruptcy               lawyer               in               your               state               knows               more               about               the               help               available               for               your               own               personal               situation               than               anybody               else.

When               you               file               bankruptcy               under               the               new               laws,               you               have               to               go               through               credit               counseling               before               filing               anyway.

Save               your               precious               few               dollars               for               when               a               bankruptcy               lawyer               says               it               is               time               for               you               to               file               and               pay               for               credit               counseling.

DON'T               BE               ASHAMED.

NOBODY               HAS               TO               KNOW.

YOU               WILL               BE               MORE               ASHAMED               IF               YOU               LOSE               EVERYTHING.

SAVE               YOUR               LIFE               AND               MAKE               THE               CALL.
               Some               employers               actually               WELCOME               seeing               a               bankruptcy               on               a               person's               records.

Many               employers               do               not               like               being               involved               with               garnishing               wages               and               having               reduced               productivity               resulting               from               stress               and               depression.

Vices               like               drinking               and               gambling,               that               cause               significant               problems               at               work,               are               often               what               people               in               financial               stress               resort               to               in               order               to               forget               life               for               a               while.

IT               IS               SO               MUCH               EASIER               TO               PICK               UP               A               PHONE               AND               MAKE               THAT               APPOINTMENT               WITH               A               BANKRUPTCY               LAWYER.
               Read               Some               Basics               from               a               Trusted               Source               -               Then               Make               the               Call

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      Unbiased and Free Credit Counseling Advice For A Free No Pressure Consultation about your Debt Relief Options, CALL: 877-766-2465 or Email us at: Help@americandebtenders...
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