About 'can t pay debts'|Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be by Michael Hudson
A lot of people think just paying your debts on time will give you a good credit score. While this is in fact one of the biggest determinants of your credit score it is not the only one that will have a significant impact. Another key quality is your credit availability. Since we are in a credit crunch or a credit freeze a lot of companies, primarily credit card companies are reducing your credit line which decreases your available line of credit and helps to lower your credit score. The more of your available credit you are using or gets taken away because of a reduction in your credit limit the more likely your credit score will fall. Now there are some stipulations to this and you are given a certain amount of room to play with. Some companies don't like to see your credit usage higher than 35% of your available credit. Once you start going higher than that some creditors will become concerned. The absolute best way to understand this is to look at an example. If you have a credit card with a credit limit of $5,000 and the balance is zero you have zero usage on this card and your available credit is $5,000. Now let's say you go out and purchase some merchandise in the amount of $1,000 against your credit line of $5,000 which gives you a utilization rate of 20%. You are using 20% of your available credit. Now this rate of utilization is still good because it is below 35%. So let's go a little further with this example. What if you go out and purchase an additional $1,000 of merchandise without ever paying anything towards the first purchase. Your rate of utilization has now doubled which puts it at 40%. This is slightly above the 35% figure we want to avoid. So this will attract the attention of your creditors. Creditors will periodically take a look at your credit report just to make sure you are still a low risk profitable customer. This is a very simplistic example because $2,000 on a single credit card with a credit limit of $5,000 may not be big deal to most people. In this example it is assumed that you only have one credit card. But when you apply a 40% utilization rate to your entire credit card portfolio, assuming you have many credit cards, now you are putting yourself in a very risky financial position. What if you have credit cards and all of the limits add up to $100,000 and your balances are a combined total of $40,000? Well there's that same 40% utilization rate only now it's more imposing because the amount of money is substantially more. Looking at the first example you can probably pay off $2,000 a lot quicker than you can pay off $40,000. So if we apply this to our current economy then it becomes a little clearer. A vast majority of the credit card companies are shutting down credit limits or at the very least decreasing them, even those of the most credit worthy customers because they want to limit their risk during these unstable economic times. If you have $100,000 of available credit and your balances are $40,000 at this point as previously mentioned you are at a utilization rate of 40%. What if several of your credit card companies decide to reduce your credit limits and now all of your available credit adds up to $80,000 with the same balances of $40,000. This puts you at a 50% rate of utilization, without you ever having made any new purchases, which is significantly higher, and it will have a devastating effect on your credit file. Your fico score or credit score will be reduced. |
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